Dad & I are safely in Melbourne now, after spending 4 days in Sydney seeing the Blue Mountains, including the famous Three Sisters, taking a cruise around the harbour, a dinner with cousin Ern, wife Gill, her son Peter, his wife Michelle, their 3 children Ellen, Jess and . Cousin Ern & Gill also took us on a tour around Sydney one day, we went to Coogee beach, Bondi beach, Double Bay, and a also to the cemetary where relatives are burried, but we couldn't find the grave stone cause we had the polt M42, but there was no map to tell us what the grid system was, so after 45 minutes of all of us seperating & searching we gave up, plus being Easter Monday the office was closed. After that we went & had a picnic lunch near the cliff where people try to jump off & kill themselves (forget the name right now). But here is a photo of cousin Ern & dad with the city of Sydney behind them. You can see the Opera house & harbour bridge. Cousin Ern lives in Lane Cove which is sorta located between dad & Ern's heads.

Since being in Melbourne, I've gotten my hair cut at a hair salon school & all I'm going to say is I got a great deal!! $20 (that's about 15 quid) for wash, cut, & blow dry!!!!!!!! Can't find those prices in London can you?
We also went on a river cruise, went opal shopping (bought an opal too) and met up with my mate Tania & her boyfriend Cal for dinner. Yesterday we took the train to Tan's shop which is called Rock Paper Scissor and then a taxi over to the family reunion dinner. There we met cousin Vicky, her husband Chris, cousin Howard, his wife Hillary, their son Scott (a few months old), cousin Susan, her husband Dave, and their sons, first one I can't remember right now but he's about 14 and the yonger one who's name is Matt.
Today we're off to Phillip Island to see some penquins and tomorrow we're spending the day with cousin Vicky & Chris.
Saturday we're off to Cairns to see the barrier reef!
I can't wait to hear about the penguins and the Great Barrier Reef. Hope the oil spill doesn't spoil the visit. Great pix of Dad and Ern. I put some of your pix, esp. the jumping ones on FB so that some friends could see (who aren't your "friends" as I am having an issue with emailing photos from my Mac. Tech troubles. Yuk. have a great time as you go along. Hi Penny! Hope you're bumping along nicely.